
Kata (choreographed fighting forms) are an integral part of karate training and have a history as full and as rich as karate itself. There are many different kata, as there are many different styles of karate. Some styles list as many as 60 different kata, some no more than 15. Shotokan founder Gichin Funakoshi espoused the philosophy that 15 kata are a lifetime's worth of practice. Most of the kata taught and practiced in modern karate dojo (schools) are considered "traditional," meaning they embody the spirit and teachings of the original karate masters. A number of the kata practiced in today have their origins in China around the 16th century. Others were developed in Okinawa or Japan proper only a few decades ago. The majority of the kata taught today, however, are on average 75-100 years old.

Shotokan has 26 kata ( 5 Heian, 3 Tekki, 4 Sentei, and 14 advanced) There are 2 types of kata in Shotokan: Shorin and Shorei. Shorin teaches speed and agility where as Shorei focuses on power. The important elements in Kata are speed, timing, coordination, muscle expansion and contraction and the correct application of power and technique. At the end of this section you can watch the first seven kata (patterns) required of each student on their way to the black belt level in Shotokan Karate.

List of Katas

Name Number of Moves Meaning
Heian Shodan 21 peaceful mind Kata
Heian Nidan 26 peaceful mind Kata
Heian Sandan 20 peaceful mind Kata
Heian Yondan 27 peaceful mind Kata
Heian Godan 23 peaceful mind Kata
Tekki Shodan 29 iron horse
Tekki Nidan 24 iron horse
Tekki Sandan 36 iron horse
Bassai Dai 42 to storm a fortress (major)
Kanku Dai 65 to view the sky (major)
Empi 37 flight of the swallow
Jion 47 temple (major)
Jutte 24 10 hands
Hangetsu 41 half-moon
Gankaku 42 crane on a rock
Bassai Sho 27 to storm a fortress (minor)
Kanku Sho 47 to view the sky (minor)
Chinte 32 unusual hands
Unsu 48 cloud hands
Sochin 40 preservation of peace
Nijushiho 33 24 steps
Gojushiho Dai 62 54 steps (major)
Gojushiho Sho 65 54 steps (minor)
Meikyo 33 bright mirror
Wankan 21 king's crown
Jiin 32 temple (minor)

Link to Kata Videos

Link to Step-by-step diagrams of the kata movements
